From the nitty gritty grammar to the existential crisis, let’s do this.

A women in professional clothes in a confident posture

Do you know what job you want, but are not sure how to get it?

The Quarterlife Crisis:

The job search is grueling. I call it the “Indeed Black Hole”. You might know what you want, but your applications keep getting rejected. There are hundreds of people applying for each position, and it can be tough to land a role. Plus, if you’re pivoting roles, it can be really hard to know how to market your transferrable skills.

What I offer:

I can help you create an amazing resume that gets through Application Tracking Systems (ATS). Don’t know what an ATS system is? It’s that horrible software that automatically rejects your resume before a person reads it. And do you even need to send a cover letter anyway? I can help you write cover letters that stand out (but that also won’t take you hours and hours each time). I can also help you network. Most people find jobs through networking (especially when you’re switching industries). I’ll help you make a LinkedIn profile and show you how to use it to land informational interviews. What are informational interviews? They are pretty much the key to any good job search. That’s because they get you (1) information on what roles are out there and (2) can lead to referrals so that your resume gets bumped to the top of the pile. We can also work on interviews. Not sure how to answer the question “tell me about yourself” (hint: don’t start from birth) or how real you should be when asked “what’s your greatest weakness?” We can walk through common interview answers and strategies to help you be as confident as possible for the real thing.

How I work with you:

I offer a package of 6, 45 minute sessions for $750. You can choose what to focus on each in session, a list of potential topics are detailed here. Please note that I do not offer one-off sessions, such as just a resume review or an interview prep session.


Are you thinking you might want something different, but you’re not sure what else is out there?

The Quarterlife Crisis:

Let’s face it, most jobs are not that fun. Maybe you have a bad manager. Maybe you’re super bored and there’s no room for growth. Maybe you’re burned out and overworked. But what else should you do? You’ve already invested in your current career… could you even land a job in a different industry? Do you need to go to grad school? Move to a commune in Alaska? Maybe you’ve done a Google search or looked on job boards and thought- should I be a project manager? What IS a project manager anyway?!?! How is anyone supposed to figure out what jobs even EXIST IN THIS WORLD? Cue existential meltdown.

What I offer:

I can help you reflect on your values. There are a lot of competing priorities in your job search, and I can help you realize what’s most important to you. We can also look at what’s holding you back- maybe it’s fear of failure, or of having a job with less prestige, or taking a risk financially. Plus, we can look at your skills and the tasks that you enjoy most. There are also a few assessments that can provide insight into what jobs are out there that match your skills.

I can also help you network. After you talk with 10 project managers (or Alaskan commune members), you’ll have a pretty good sense of (1) what they do day-to-day (2) if those tasks match your skills and interests and (3) how to get there. I can teach you how to connect with people through LinkedIn, industry events, and alumni boards. Then, I can help coach you through informational interviews and how to follow up to build long-term connections.

How I work with you:

I offer a package of 6, 45 minute sessions for $750. You can choose what to focus on each in session, a list of potential topics are detailed here. Please note that I do not offer one-off sessions, such as just a resume review or an interview prep session.


Are you in the role you want, but want to get to the next level?

The Quarterlife Crisis:

Work life is hard. There are so many competing demands- you can feel like you’re juggling 20 balls, afraid to drop any of them. Perhaps you’re managing a team, and it’s tough to delegate, give direct feedback, or motivate that one person who seems checked out. Or maybe you’re feeling imposter syndrome and want to be more confident and self assured. No matter what, coaching can provide support and insight.

What I offer:

I can help you capitalize on your strengths and find your areas for growth. I recommend starting with an initial assessment like a 360 review tool (a way to get feedback from peers/coworkers) or an Emotional Intelligence Assessment. These give you data on your leadership skills and where you’re starting from. Then you decide what to work on- the goals you want to set and the steps to get there. I’ll act as a partner by asking questions, challenging ideas, and offering up other relevant theories or assessments.

How I work with you:

I create custom coaching packages for leadership coaching. They depend on what your goals are, what support you need, as well as if you are contracting through your organization, for your team, or as an individual. After our initial intro call, I’ll submit a proposal for work. To get a sense of some content I can offer, you can also check out my list of assessments here.